Thursday, February 13, 2014

Java Programming: 2D Arrays and for-loops

Here is a simple Java program that uses an array to store Names and Addresses:
class NamesAndAddresses{

  public static void main(String args[])

    // a 2-D string array with four rows and four colomns.
    String[][] Names = new String[][]

            {{"suchita"," 1234 Austin TX", "","512 567 8904"},
              { "Maria","345 Houston TX", "", "456 890 2345"},
              {"Ben","789 Boston MA", "","345 456 7890"},
              {"John","890 San Francisco CA","", "234 789 2415"}};
    // A for loop for printing the elements in order 

    System.out.println("\nPHONE BOOK: \n");       

    for (int i=0;i <(Names.length);i++)
          System.out.println(" Name: " + Names[i][0] + "  Address: " + Names[i][1]+

                            "  email: " + Names[i][2] + "  phone: " + Names[i][3]);

Let's look at this one statement at a time:
The String array "Names" has 4 rows and 4 colomns. 
Each row corresponds to one entry.

String[][] Names = new String[][]
         {{"suchita"," 1234 Austin TX", "","512 567 8904"},
          { "Maria","345 Houston TX", "", "456 890 2345"},
           {"Ben","789 Boston MA", "","345 456 7890"},
           {"John","890 San Francisco CA","", "234 789 2415"}};


Here is a "for loop" that I use for printing the array.

System.out.println("\nPHONE BOOK: \n");  

for (int i=0;i <(Names.length);i++)
      System.out.println(" Name: " + Names[i][0] + "  Address: " + Names[i][1]+

                     "  email: " + Names[i][2] + "  phone: " + Names[i][3]);

 When I compile and run the program,  the resulting output on my console is:


 Name: suchita  Address:  1234 Dallas TX  email:  phone: 512 567 8904
 Name: Maria  Address: 345 Houston TX  email:  phone: 456 890 2345
 Name: Ben  Address: 789 Boston MA  email:  phone: 345 456 7890
 Name: John  Address: 890 San Francisco CA  email:  phone: 234 789 2415

 Here is a "for loop" for printing the array in reverse:

System.out.println("\nPHONE BOOK IN REVERSE: \n");

    for (int i=Names.length-1 ;i >=0 ;i--)
      System.out.println(" Name: " + Names[i][0] + "  Address: " + Names[i][1]+

                     "  email: " + Names[i][2] + "  phone: " + Names[i][3]);
 When I compile and run the program,  the resulting output on my console is:


 Name: John  Address: 890 San Francisco CA  email:  phone: 234 789 2415
 Name: Ben  Address: 789 Boston MA  email:  phone: 345 456 7890
 Name: Maria  Address: 345 Houston TX  email:  phone: 456 890 2345
 Name: suchita  Address:  1234 Dallas TX  email:  phone: 512 567 8904

Here is the program with a nested for loop for printing out the array:
 class MultiDArray{
  public static void main(String args[])
    // a 2-D string array with four rows and four colomns.
    String myArray[][] = new String[][]

               {{"suchita"," 1234 Austin TX", "","512 567 8904"},
                 { "Maria","345 Houston TX", "", "456 890 2345"},
                 {"Ben","789 Boston MA", "","345 456 7890"},
                  {"John","890 San Francisco CA","", "234 789 2415"}};
    String display[] = new String[]{" Name: ", " Address: ", " Email:", " Phone :"};
    // A for loop for printing out the elements in order
    System.out.println("\nPHONE BOOK: \n");     
    for (int i=0;i < (myArray.length);i++)
      for (int j=0; j< myArray[i].length; j++){
        System.out.println(display[j] + myArray[i][j]);

Here is a phone book array that is created and then the entries filled in at
 the console by the user.

import java.util.Scanner;

class NamesAndAddresses{

  public static void main(String args[])

    Scanner scan = new Scanner( );

    String[][] UserInput = new String[4][4];  

    for (int i=0;i < (UserInput.length);i++)
         System.out.println(" Enter Name: ");
         System.out.println(" Enter Street Address: ");
         System.out.println(" Enter email address: ");
         System.out.println(" Enter phone number: ");

  // A for loop for printing the elements in order 

    System.out.println("\nPHONE BOOK: \n");      
    for (int i=0;i < (UserInput.length);i++)
      System.out.println(" Name: " + UserInput[i][0] +

                                  "  Address: " +  UserInput[i][1]+
                                  "  email: "  + UserInput[i][2] +
                                  "  phone: " + UserInput[i][3]);
     // A for loop for printing the elements in reverse order 

    System.out.println("\nPHONE BOOK IN REVERSE: \n");
    for (int i=UserInput.length-1 ;i >=0 ;i--)
      System.out.println(" Name: " + UserInput[i][0] +

                                   "  Address: " + UserInput[i][1]+
                                     "  email: "   + UserInput[i][2] + 
                                     "  phone: " + UserInput[i][3]);  


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